Monday, March 19, 2012

The "Good Stuff"

Tonight after dinner we ended up in the playroom.  Since we'd just taken EVERYTHING out when we got the new carpet installed (future blog post) we have very few toys left in there. 

One of small toy bins had a few Barbies in it that have been given to Stella.  In the course of playing, each of the kids had some interesting commentary about the anatomy of the dolls. 

That is where most kids first learn about female anatomy, right? 

Sad, but true I'm afraid.

 Hudson picked up this nice looking lady before she had any clothes on.  He asked me to help get her dressed because her dress was, "so short!"  Then, he said, "My doll is pregnant."  Now, I didn't mind him thinking his doll was pregnant.  I just didn't want him thinking that the little natural curve to Barbie's tummy was what a truly pregnant doll would look like.  We found a little baby sock and fixed her up to reflect a more accurate portrayal of prenatal glow.

 Meanwhile, Stella was getting this lovely lady (girl?) dressed in her pretty dress.  

 As she was finishing up, she said, "Whew, this dress just barely covers the good stuff."  


We of course asked her what she meant.  "You know, this part," as she demonstrated for us above.  Really?  The good stuff?  Where do they hear these things? 

I'd say she should be ready to pop out a baby Barbie in about 2-3 more months!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Another try at BlogPress

I haven't had much luck posting from the BlogPress App on my iPad. This is me giving it another try.

And these are some coloring pages from the kids' new favorite app -- Color Mix HD. You can either color free-hand or click to fill-in color. Gone are the days of the 64pack of Crayola Crayons.

Speaking of that, I heard this week that Encyclopedia Britannica will no longer be published in print, only digital. I am all for being able to carry your color crayons and your knowledge of the world around on one small tablet but it just doesn't seem the same somehow.


Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Product review: Eye-fi digital picture transfer card

I got the niftiest gadget for Christmas.  It is a digital card for your camera called Eye-fi. The neat part is that it connects to your wireless network to automatically download your pictures to the computer. 

No cords, no nothing.

As long as both devices are powered on, things just start flowing over.  I believe the cost is around $50 for the one I have.  It feels like a frivolous item, but making sure all of your precious pictures get downloaded seems to be worth it.

Speaking of pictures, here are a few of the kiddos...

Here is our sweet Vivi Lee showing off her improving rolling skills.  She can travel all the way across the room as long as nothing gets in her way!

Have I mentioned that Vivi has EIGHT teeth?  She does.  They are big and cute.

Show me your crinkle nose!

Yaya and Pouli call this her armadillo move.

Checking out some ski videos on the iPad with Daddy.

Last weekend before skiing, Stella took her notebook in the backyard for some early morning sketching.  This girl has some serious creative juices.