Saturday, October 27, 2012


We have lots of cute nicknames for Vivian:

Sweet Vivi
Vivi Lou Who
The Viv
The Bibs
Vivasnakes ? Isn't it weird what can end up being a term of endearment?

HOWEVER, we also have a couple things we call her that I know are not YaYa approved. I think it started because this summer was her learning to crawl and walk phase. It happened to correspond with us being outdoors a lot. Somehow, she always ended up with water and then dirt which of course became mud. Also, she LOVES to eat. Have you seen that girls thighs?


Anyway, she isn't necessarily a clean eater. She likes to dump her milk and learn about the unique properties of different foods through all of her senses ( read smushing, throwing, etc). Due to all of these factors we ended up calling her "Junkyard Baby" or "Junkyard" for short.

I know. I know.  It is a terrible thing to call our sweet little Bibinator.

So recently we decided to change it to "Havoc." It really is more fitting because her escapades aren't confined to mud and food. They extend to bathroom cabinets, the pantry and anything else she can find or reach.

Some pics of our Sweet Vivi Lou Havoc Who:

Oh yeah, this girl likes her food.

This is a close up of the spaghetti sauce that made it all the way to her hearing aid. She needs a bib for her head!

Quite proud of having found a way to grab the computer cord. - our kitchen.

Mmmmm...woodchips! - Avon, CO

Let me in the water Grandpa Pete! I'm one, that is plenty old enough to swim in a  mountain lake all by myself. - Silverthorne, CO

She's never met a sandbox that she hasn't wanted to take half of it home in her clothes. - Vail, CO

Pretty sure she is eating a rock here. - Jackson Lake, WY

 I found this little surprise trail of dog biscuits in the could only be one person...Havoc!

A little extra mud in your diet does a baby good. - Secret swimming hole somewhere near Yellowstone Nat'l Park.

I think I'll just hang out here on the fireplace hearth and enjoy my bag of raisins next to diapers I drug over.  

Look at this fun little place that is just my size and has fun little nuggets in it.  - Penny's crate in our living room

The Viv is also quite the little daredevil. Thank goodness for the vigilance of Pouli. - Pouli and YaYa's house.

Okay, she is not actually causing any havoc in this picture, but you can just tell she either came from havoc or is about to cause it. - Our hallway.

 Glitter Glue - Our dining room

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Missing: One Minimalist Mama

I can't believe it has been almost two months since I sat down to write my last post.

Where has the time gone?

In between the kids starting school, getting a new dog and Mr. Yost and I both continuing to work on our extra-curricular studies there has not been much energy leftover for blogging. It has also left little time for focusing on my minimalist mission.

It seems when the going gets busy, the busy go shopping.

I haven't exactly gone crazy, but I have noticed that when you have less time to be creative it is too easy to fill the void with accumulating more things.

More dog crates and dog beds and dog leashes and dog toys. Darn that PetSmart.
More shoes in my never-ending quest to try and find cute shoes that will fit my custom orthotics or at the very least not hurt my feet.
More books at the school bookfair and clothes from Goodwill because they were SUCH a good deal. The list goes on and on...

Alas, it hasn't been all bad. In fact, it hasn't been bad at all. Just a crazy, busy time in our life. I at least hope to get back into the rhythm of blogging so I can share some updates on our new dietary pursuits, that cute dog that has been getting spoiled by our trips to the box stores and whatever other ideas struggle their way to the surface of my cluttered mind.

Since most of my posting will probably be done on the iPad from here on out (why oh why did I give my laptop to Mr. Yost?), I will have to get iCloud working again so I have our newest pictures available.

In the meantime, here is a picture of my loves at a quick stop in Teton National Park this summer. What else could this Montana Mama ever want or need? :)